May 2024
- Minor typo fixes and clarifications throughout
- Added additional private organization example to the table
- Updated terminology for the new season (e.g., Primary Coach, Regional Support Manager, etc.)
- Added definitions of organization types
What is an Organization?
Las organizaciones dentro de un único programa de la Fundación REC se definen por la ubicación de la escuela o grupo anfitrión y se pueden describir utilizando los siguientes criterios:
- Todos los equipos dentro de una organización residen en la misma región del evento.
- All teams within the organization have the same organization type.
- Teams within an organization meet together consistently throughout the season at a central or common location.
- Each school in a school district is recognized as a different organization and should have their own set of team numbers.
- Each location of a private or community-based club is recognized as a different organization and should have their own set of team numbers.
- Organizations with multiple grade levels that reside at the same location can choose whether to register both grade levels under the same organization number, or under separate numbers for each grade level.
- Changes to the organizational address must be approved by the Regional Support Manager.
- Schools that have a JROTC program can register their JROTC teams as a separate organization if the JROTC teams are being run separately from their school programs.
- Organizations that have more than 22 teams in a program should register additional organizational numbers as needed.
We appreciate that teams will try to follow this policy to the best of their ability, but that due to different circumstances it may be challenging to know if their teams should be classified as one or multiple organizations. If organizations are unclear how they should be categorized, they should contact the REC Foundation for clarification.
La dirección de una organización no se puede cambiar para brindarle a un equipo una ventaja competitiva al competir en una región que no incluye su región física. Los equipos que violen intencionalmente la Política organizacional de la Fundación REC pueden estar infringiendo el Código de conducta. The REC Foundation reserves the right to make exceptions to this policy to best fit the needs of the region.
Definitions of Organization Types
The REC Foundation reserves the right to reclassify a team's organization type based on the available information.
A school is an accredited full-time academic institution. A school can be a public school, charter school, or private school. Teams who are school-based must:
- Do all or most of the physical construction and programming of robots on school grounds
- Have a faculty member as a team coach
- Submit proof, either through email or a pdf attachment, that the school recognizes the team and confirms that the team meets the requirements of the previous bullet points
Community/Non-Profit Team
A community team is managed by or run through a non-school community organization such as 4-H, Boys and Girls Club, BSA or Girl Scout troop, community centers, etc. Community teams typically meet and work in a public or semi-public location such as a library, community center, or religious center, and students go to that public or semi-public location to participate. While some community teams may include dues, the entity overseeing the organization is not a for-profit entity. Community teams are generally open to enrollment by all students in the community they serve.
Private/Independent Team
A private team typically does the majority of their robot construction and programming work in a private home. Private teams are generally comprised of friends or family members, and do not have open enrollment. These are sometimes referred to as “independent” teams.
Paid STEM Enrichment Program
Teams that fall into this category typically charge student registration fees, and are managed or run through a for-profit business entity. Student enrollment is typically done by paid subscription. Paid afterschool STEM enrichment programs and paid STEM education centers or services would fall under this category.
Teams will fall into this category if they do not fit within another existing category. REC Foundation staff will review the team's circumstances and, if needed, make a recommendation to reclassify the team's organization type.
Ejemplos de organizaciones
A continuación se muestran ejemplos de organizaciones y cómo se clasifican según la estructura organizativa de la Fundación REC.
Guión | Política de organización | Número(s) de equipo de muestra |
A school district has elementary, middle, and high school teams. | Cada escuela del distrito escolar se consideraría una organización separada y tendría que registrarse utilizando números de equipo base separados. |
ES #1: 1234A, 1234B, 1234C ES #2: 7654A, 7654B MS #1: 6543A, 6543B HS #1: 9876A, 9876B HS #2: 2446A, 2446B |
Una tropa de Girl Scouts tiene cuatro equipos, incluidos dos equipos VIQRC de primaria y dos VIQRC de secundaria. Todos los equipos se reúnen una vez al mes para trabajar en sus robots y practicar. | La tropa de Girl Scouts se consideraría una organización única y podría registrarse utilizando un único número de equipo base. | 1234A (ES), 1234B (ES), 1234C (MS), 1234D (MS) |
A Girl Scout troop has VIQRC and V5RC teams that meet together once a month to work on their robots and practice. | Los equipos de cada programa se registrarían como una organización separada. Nota: Los números base pueden ser iguales o diferentes dependiendo de la disponibilidad. |
VIQRC Teams: 123A, 123B or VIQRC: 6543A, 6543B V5RC: 6543A, 6543B |
Un grupo de jóvenes tiene ubicaciones en varias ciudades. Cada ubicación tiene un conjunto único de estudiantes que participan en equipos que se reúnen en su sucursal local. | Cada ubicación se consideraría una organización separada y usaría números de equipo separados. |
Location 1: 2345A, 2345B Location 2: 3456A, 3456B Location 3: 5432A, 5432B |
Una escuela incluye estudiantes desde jardín de infantes hasta octavo grado y tendrá equipos que abarcan múltiples niveles de grado VIQRC. Los equipos de primaria VIQRC están dirigidos por el entrenador A y los equipos de la escuela secundaria están dirigidos por el entrenador B. | The school can choose to register as a single organization or register using multiple organizations since they are run by separate coaches. |
Option 1: 1234A (ES), 1234B (MS), or Option 2: 1234A (ES), 3456A(MS) |
Un grupo juvenil tiene cuatro equipos dirigidos de forma independiente por entrenadores distintos; los equipos no se reúnen durante la temporada. | Es probable que en este escenario se trate de cuatro equipos independientes y cada uno deba registrarse como organizaciones independientes. | 1234A, 2345A, 3456A, 4567A |
A private group has four teams that are run collaboratively in a single location with separate coaches; they meet together periodically during the season. | The private group would be considered a single organization and can register using a single team number. Si tuvieran varios niveles de grado en el mismo programa, podrían decidir tener una segunda organización o tenerlos todos bajo una sola organización. |
1234A, 1234B, 1234C, 1234D, or 1234A, 1234B (MS)3456A, 3456B (HS) |
A private group has four teams whose members know each other, but each team builds and programs their robots in separate locations. | The private group would be considered 4 different organizations and should each have a separate team number. |
1234A, 2345A, 3456A, 4567A |
A high school has a V5RC program and an Aerial Drone Competition program. Ambos programas están dirigidos por el mismo entrenador en el mismo lugar. | Cada programa en la escuela secundaria se consideraría una organización separada. Nota: Los números base pueden ser iguales o diferentes. |
V5RC: 6543A, 6543B or V5RC: 6543A, 6543B |
2024-2025 Competition Season Team Registration Fee
- VEX Robotics Programs: $200 per team*
- Aerial Drones Competition: $175 per team*
*Registration fees for non-US teams and organizations will be determined by the area RSM.
Additional information about the team registration structure can be found in this REC Library article.
Programas de la Fundación REC
La Fundación REC apoya una variedad de programas destinados a inspirar y motivar a los estudiantes a sobresalir en la educación STEM. Cuando se hace referencia a programas en el contexto de la política organizativa de la Fundación REC, estos programas incluyen programas que están abiertos para registro en Ejemplos de programas de la Fundación REC incluyen:
- VEX IQ Robotics Competition
- VEX V5 Robotics Competition
- VEX U Robotics Competition
- VEX AI Robotics Competition
- Concurso de drones aéreos
Niveles de grado
El nivel de grado de un equipo está determinado en última instancia por las definiciones del Manual de juego correspondiente al programa y generalmente depende de la edad de los estudiantes del equipo. Las categorías típicas de nivel de grado incluyen escuela primaria, escuela intermedia, escuela secundaria y universidad. Please select the appropriate program in the main page of the REC Library to locate Game Manuals.
Definiciones de contacto del equipo
There are many types of contacts associated with a team in Primary Coach, Secondary Coach, Financial Contact, and Organizational Contact. Every named Team Contact must have a verified account and verified email address, which enables them to manage the team’s registrations. All Primary and Secondary Coaches for US teams must complete a background check.
Es importante tener en cuenta que todos los contactos del equipo tendrán la capacidad de administrar el equipo en, incluido el registro del equipo para la temporada, el registro para eventos y la modificación de la información del equipo.
Si el equipo está asociado con una escuela, al menos un contacto debe ser un miembro del personal de esa escuela. Se alienta a las escuelas que agregan padres como contactos del equipo a desarrollar un proceso interno y pautas sobre exactamente lo que los contactos del personal no escolar pueden y no pueden hacer.
The email address used to create the RobotEvents account for any Primary and Secondary Coach must be associated with a single user that matches the name on the account, and only that account holder should know the password.
If you need to add, remove, or revise team contacts, the article How to Manage Team Contacts on RobotEvents includes step-by-step instructions.
Primary Coach (required)
The majority of email communications from the REC Foundation and Event Partners are sent to the Primary Coach.
- The Primary Coach is typically the “head coach” of the team, and is responsible for maintaining the accuracy of all contacts and account attributes. Teams associated with schools will typically use a staff member as the Primary Coach.
- Any major changes to a team’s Robot Events account should be made by the Primary Coach.
- The Primary Coach is typically responsible for registering the team for the season and events, and for ensuring that payments have been made.
- The Primary Coach is responsible for ensuring that REC Foundation Participant Release Forms are completed for each student on the team.
- The Primary Coach should attend events with the team.
- The Primary Coach is the primary person responsible for the students on the team and will be the first person contacted with team-related communications.
- Primary and Secondary Coaches can post questions in the Official Q&A systems on
- The Primary Coach must be an adult (18+ years old) and cannot be a student team member associated with a current team in that program, unless the team is registered for a college/university competition program.
- The Primary Coach for a US team must complete a background check.
Contacto Financiero (requerido)
El contacto financiero de un equipo es la persona responsable de procesar los pagos a través de
- The Financial Contact can be the same person as the Primary Coach.
- El contacto financiero coordina los pagos por inscripción de equipos, inscripciones a eventos y cualquier compra de productos realizada a través de
- The Financial Contact must be an adult (18+ years old) and cannot be a student team member associated with a current team in that program, unless the team is registered for a college/university competition program.
Secondary Coach (optional)
A team’s Secondary Contact is an additional individual who will help manage the team in, and is optional.
- The Secondary Coach is typically an “assistant coach” or other adult who will attend events when the Primary Contact cannot attend.
- The Secondary Coach can complete team and event registrations, update Secondary, Financial, and
- Organizational Contacts, and assist with managing Student Participant Release Forms.
- Primary and Secondary Coaches can post questions in the Official Q&A systems on
- The Secondary Coach must be an adult (18+ years old) and cannot be a student team member associated with a current team in that program unless the team is registered for a college/university competition program.
- The Secondary Coach for a US team, if listed in RobotEvents, must complete a background check.
Contacto de organización/administrativo/distrito (opcional)
The team’s Organization/Administrative/District Contact is used when there is a centralized person who helps manage multiple teams or organizations.
- The Organization/Administrative/District Contact does not serve as the “head coach” or Primary Coach for a Team.
- Examples of Organization/Administrative/District Contacts are:
- A school district STEM Coordinator who pays registration fees for teams at multiple schools within the district.
- A non-profit manager who helps with administration of multiple programs across different sites.
- The Organization/Administrative/District Contact must be an adult (18+ years old) and cannot be a student team member associated with a current team in that program, unless the team is registered for a college/university competition program.